NEW Marlin Big Loop Lever from Ranger Point Precision
We're excited to introduce the Ranger Point Precision Marlin big loop lever - or as some have called it the "medium loop lever." It was designed to put functionality first, with a strong secondary emphasis on style. We felt that current offerings placed far more emphasis on style without addressing practical concerns. The Marlin Big Loop Lever is precision CNC machined in chro-moly steel, and mil-spec coated in KG Gun Kote for superior wear and corrosion resistance. And it's available for Marlin pistol grip models 308MX, 336, 338MX, 444, 1895.
What Makes Our Lever Better?
1) Current "big loop" lever offerings incorporate a loop that is very tall and circular, but the aggressive upper curve still makes gloved fingers bunch together. We made more space fore and aft by flattening and extending the upper curve, allowing the fingers to rest naturally along the pistol grip. 2) The overly tall design of current levers has two effects that we don't care for: a) it creates an odd lag time when opening the action, while the hand leaves the grip and the fingers travel downward before smacking abruptly into the lower rung of the loop (with bare hands this can get uncomfortable quickly); and b) the loop adds significantly to the height dimension of the rifle and becomes the lowest point. Finish scratches are inevitable, and handiness is sacrificed for style. 3) Our design introduces additional space into the trigger guard area, where it is vital. Gloved fingers are a pretty tight fit in factory trigger guards. That should make anyone nervous when the hammer is back. We also decreased the dimension separating loop and guard, allowing the fingers to sit naturally, close together. In the overlay photo below you can clearly see the generous new space we've introduced in key areas. 4) Aesthetically, we designed our lever to blend more naturally with the lines of the stock, complementing rather than contrasting the attractive curve of the pistol grip. Our design may not pop out as much other big loops, but we feel that it presents pleasing, natural lines that look right.
Checkout our more pictures and learn more about our lever at this link.
Tell us what you think.
Adam Devine